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Whimsy Maker

Hi! I'm Bea. I'm a day dreaming, quirky, 30-something working a typical 8 to 5. I'm a wife. I'm also a mom to fur babies and plants. I work in the mortgage industry. I consider myself a Whimsy Maker! An Oopsy Artist. An Art Tinkerer. I've been drawn to the mystery of creativity and whimsy for as long as I can remember. When I was a kid I wanted to grow up to a writer or an artist. However due to the way my life went... I needed steady income, insurance, and a 8 to 5 work schedule. As a home body myself... I love playing a part in getting people into their future homes! What about being an Artist or a Writer? That's where the inspiration for Whimsical Solace came from. It's being both an 8 to 5-er and a Creative. It's my place of solace from the crazy of life.



The Whimsy Makers behind Whimsical Solace...

Co-Whimsy Maker

Hi! I'm Todd. I'm Bea's Ride or Die. I am often Bea's technology hero. We often talk about creativity and how to add fun/whimsy to our lives over a cup of coffee. Monday through Friday I am an engineer. I wanted to be and engineer as small as age 5. I find a lot of fulfillment in my career but I crave something more. I crave exploring and experimenting with creativity. I enjoy car rides with the windows down on back roads, video games, and tinkering in my garage. Bea always gets a laugh at the things I keep in the garage. I tell her every time that I will use that random old hinge on something and I always do... It just might be ten years from now. 


Fred & Tinsel
Furry Whimsy Makers

Hi! I'm Fred. I'm a big, 20 pound, orange tabby Cat... No baby! My mom says I'm a baby and she doesn't lie. I like to nap in the sun. I really love arranging flowers with my mom. Hair bands are my favorite toy. I think crystals are pretty special. They work too. I put them in the most ideal locations for Meow Shui. My mom moves them from my spots for some reason but I just move them again.


Hi! I'm Tinsel. I'm like glitter and I go everywhere. I love playing with pom pom balls and craft supplies. I love Sunshine. Speaking of sunshine... plants need sunshine. I love plants. Some are edible. Some aren't. I can't seem to find the ones that aren't edible... They were so pretty. I wonder where they went?


     In Memory
Most Whimsical Dog Ever 

Hi! I'm Shelby. I'm almost 13 and big time foodie. My humans make the most delicious food and I do the taste testing. Maybe I'll share some of my approved recipes here. I also make sure they drive safely, take needed cuddle breaks, and wake up at a reasonable hour. I very much enjoy Starbucks, long car rides with the windows down, and my ears rubbed. My hobby of choice is barking at the mailman. My favorite food is pizza. Did I mention how much I love trying new foods? Except berries... you can keep those. 


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